Tuesday, 3 April 2018

The appearance of an arrangement with the reality of force

It is the will of God! Your parents know best, to go against them is to go against God, your family or your culture; it’s is disobedience and rebellion. Many girls have and still fall prey to such notions and end up married to men who will be in the best interest of their families, rather than themselves. Is it truly a horrific thing, especially when your family has taken careful consideration of your wellbeing and is securing your future? Which brings up a question, is arranged marriage, truly euphuism for forced marriage?  Are discussions opposing forced marriage in the best interest of the bride or are they simply an attack of religious and cultural practices for marriage? When an arranged marriage does ceases to be arranged and has instead taken the form of a forced marriage? 
The  topic of arranged and forced marriage, although a subdivision within marriage, like child marriage is also too broad to fully cover and discuss within the limitations of a B.Tech thesis and will thus mention it briefly and introduce certain aspects of it.