Tuesday, 7 May 2019

‘Til death do us part…

In my research, I have come across one sad truth that throughout history, many women have found an escape from this life in death. In some cases they survived the suicide attempt, while in other cases they found peace; if peace is what awaited their souls. I listened to the voice of desperation in the voices of those that survived and watched the faces of mother’s who remained mothers, yet no longer had a daughter. It is reality, it is part of human history, and sadly it is part of the bridal narrative history; one I wanted to address in my work somehow. Without having written a poem, I set out to start off the design and conceptualization process and these are some of the pictures of the stuff I started creating from the suicide angle of the bridal narrative. I had started off by purchasing a rope which resembled the rope which was used as a noose in many olden day movies; I wanted to capture the familiarity of the noose image we were mostly exposed to. So I had asked Nick show me how to tie one.