Sunday 20 October 2019


The Suicide Series, has two major direction which I had tried to both address and explore, which were the perspectives of the of the loves ones and of that of the suicide victim. These I expressed through using mainly two suicide methods those being that of hanging and overdose. For this series, I had wanted to use the actual materials connected to the suicide as my design director for the narrative execution. This decision was primarily driven by the notion that I wanted the viewer to view the reality of the subject and not to simply hint at nature of this kind of death. 

What inspired this specific series were some of the bridal kidnapping documentaries which I had watched, where families of some of the victims of became so overwhelmed what their lives and become and opted to end their lives. In one particular series, the mother of the kidnapped bride actually stated that her daughter had not committed suicide, but was in fact murdered by her kidnappers as they had stripped the life from her while still alive.
Having had personally known someone who had opted to their peace in death, I understand the sensitivity of the subject and just how it can affect those left behind and I had decided to use that to draw from in order to explore the poetry and jewellery of that angle. I therefore decided to once again adopt a concept used by Byrne, where she used honey comb on various body parts so as to express an allergic reaction to bee. Similarly I also decided to use actual rope to create neckpieces, which will then express suicide by hanging. 

When creating the jewellery and writing the poetry for this collection, I decided to use the visual aid of a collage. I had somehow tried to place myself in the bride’s shoes, so as to use her pain as a source of creation.  The collage was meant to replicate a final written goodbye from the umakoti.
a. The rope version

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