Monday 14 October 2019


This section of the report will be providing contemporary examples of arts have or are doing similar work within their own fields of expertise.

This report has used Stutman as one of the contemporary examples as her work exhibits narrative characteristic’s which are similar to what this paper will be addressing. Therefore in Chapter Two, the report will provide a brief introduction and background on Stuntman’s work; while also discussing her
One of reasons why I have chosen Emily Christina Byrne’s work as an artistic example when trying to establish academic parallels.  In Byrne’s work, she aims to engage with her audience; this report will therefore be featuring some of her works and explore how she has interpreted narrative jewellery. In the section below is the structure of how this report will discuss her work.

One of the reasons why I identify with this particular narrative artist is that she seems to be engrossed with the idea of wanting to expand the limits of poetry and wants to somehow break the boundaries which traditionally confine poetry onto paper. She has tried to achieve this through various collaborations with other poets, artists, dancers and musicians; she basically works with other departments within the arts. Her contribution to the arts is interesting, as she attempts to engage with not only her fellow peers but her audience. 
In this section the report I will also be addressing how beadwork has been and can be used as a narrative form