Thursday, 17 November 2016

I came across this video and before I go back to neutral ground, I just had to mention it. The title of the video is : "The 4-Umakoti"
Now I find that this song is very signioficant to how the Nguni culture view the bride, and is infact a direct Nguni version of the origin of the word bride, but with much detail. Now just to briefly quote and translate the song, it says:
"Umakoti ngowethu
usengowethu ngempela bo
sithi helele helele siyavuma"

and in simple english translation it says:
"The bride is ours
She is truly ours
She will do washing and cook for us
yes, we cherish we cherish with pride"
My original view of the song was that, it sounded like a slave song, which was simply expressing the duties of this newly purchased slave. As I said, that was my view in times past, however over time I have grown to try to see more to the song than the first few words, and the iminate song of doom. I have come to think that maybe the song is a welcome and the families way of showing just how they are excited to have this new family member, who although will have all these many duties, they will however cherish her and as the song says, with pride tell the whole world that they have not acquired a possession as I had initially thought, but have gained a new member.

Thoughts from over they years.