Friday 4 October 2019

Which materials have they used and why?

As previously mentioned in Chapter One, the Xhosa people are a spiritual people whose beliefs impact every spectrum of their lives. It is therefore no surprise to discover that their choice in beading materials is also influenced by their beliefs. 

A vast number of their beadwork include various types of charms ranging from the conception of a child, marital issues to mention a few. The above picture is one of the displays which was exhibited in order to show the various charms which held not just meaning for the Xhosa people, but held spiritual powers. 

One of the pieces from the display was a necklace made from lucky beans which comes from the erythrina caffra tree. According to Xhosa beliefs, this tree was believed to symbolise "health, prosperity and a good season."  Therefore if one hoped to attract these into their lives, they would then have to wear a piece of jewellery, as in this case a necklace strung with such seeds.