Sunday, 19 August 2018


 As I was growing with the design concept  I began to feel that I should attempt to correct or review my initial stumbling blocks which I had encountered in my initial caged bird neckpiece which I have included on the left. One of the problems  had encountered was that some of the beads in my base would begin to snap and come loose as I added more beads onto the piece. This therefore meant that the piece itself would in turn be unstable and this was a major problem.

I began to tackle this problem by first taking the whole piece apart. This was torture for me considering the hours and days I had taken to make the piece, however my desire to have an improved item of jewellery was my main focus.
Once I had take the piece apart, I then proceeded onto remaking the beaded base for scratch, this also allowed me the chance to widen, loosen certain parts and to also make the piece longer than before. I worked more carefully when compiling the overall piece, I have yet to still finish off the piece, but so far, the adjustments I have made have been beneficial as I have not encountered the problems I had in my previous piece.